Covid-19 is accelerating the demise of an enduring Industrial era artifact – the 5 day / 40 hour work-week, popularized in the early 1900’s by Henry Ford. Organisations are exploring options to redesign the “Future of the Work-Week”. IndusGuru launched an Insta-Survey to explore the choices of the current workforce generation
The results from 175+ respondents – largely GenX and GenY professionals and knowledge workers– highlight 2 clear messages:
1. Work from Home is here to stay – in some form or another. Even when incentivized by an extra-long weekend / shorter 4 day work-week or Flexi-time – people will prefer to work more days as far as they can make the choice of work-location.
2. The Hybrid option of Office & Home is preferred to the Fluid option of Working from Anywhere. Reflecting the need for in-person interactions and a “social” environment for work
Will these results change across different geographies, cultures, generations and industries?
It’s time to apply Design Thinking to Designing our Work-Week !

#workweek #flexiwork #newnormal #postcovid #remoteworking #hybridworkspace #RTO #wfh #workfromhome