Its’ been a year of extremes, of a ‘lifetime first” experience of a global crisis that has impacted each one of us personally. It is indeed ironic, that the year 2020, synonymous with perfect vision and clarity, is passing, leaving in it’s wake a future that still looks hazy and blurred.
Reams have been written, and petabytes of data generated. What can we say, which has not been said before? Words feel inadequate and repetitive at the end of 2020. Possibly the best way for us to represent this moment would be to curate a set of the year’s 10 most defining images – seen from our world-view. Showcasing the most significant Health, Economic, Geo-political, Business, Workforce and Technology trends that are changing our world.
- The Cause and the Effect: The Virus and the Mask have become the most ubiquitous images of the year. In a country where it has been notoriously difficult to implement a civic sense of rules and regulations, new methods are used to enforce new behaviours.
- The Migrant Labour Crisis in India: Lakhs of daily wage migrant labourers in cities, left stranded without a job or money by the lockdown, started their rigorous journeys home – back to villages in far-away states – on foot, sometimes hitching rides on any wheels they could find.
- Real Economy vs Stock Market graphs: The disconnect between the Real Economy and the Stock Markets was never clearer. As India heads for a 5th recession and the first in 40 years, the BSE Sensex is scaling new heights, up 15% since the start of the year.
- Providing Historical Perspective: While appearing as the harbinger of doom to our generation, Covid-19 has been relatively modest in its impact, compared to other pandemics over time (from
- The Broader Health Challenge: The speed and visible nature of Covid-19’s spread across the world has taken hold of our mind-space. But real data provides some food for thought – compared to the leading causes of death world-wide, Covid-19 would just make it to the lower end of the Top10 in 2020.
- The Chinese at our doors: India’s neighbourhood just got more hostile, as the Chinese army encroached into disputed and Indian territory in the icy heights of Eastern Ladakh.
- The Farmer Agitation: highlighted in stark relief, the Trust deficit in governance. Agricultural reforms seeking to modernise 150 year old, colonial era practices – have run aground in the face of protests from a farmer groups in Punjab and Haryana.
- Remote working comes of age – a level playing field for the gig-economy: Even as the lockdown shrunk our physical space, it expanded our virtual space in so many spheres of social activity – work, education, bereavement and celebration, farewells and welcomes!
- SpaceX makes Space Travel Sexy again: The launch of CrewDragon aboard the Falcon9 rocket, heralded the coming era of commercial space travel
- The Empire Strikes Back: From corporate Boardrooms and global corner offices, Indian roots and DNA are now just a heartbeat away from the leadership of the Western World.
On a more personal note
The world has changed in many ways. But our goals and aspirations at IndusGuru are undimmed. We are building a unique and scalable expert consulting firm, with a business model designed for the “gig-economy”. The IndusGuru Network is now over 500+ expert consultants strong, with a cumulative of 11,000+ person-years of professional experience.

Evolving Together: Our Business Model has evolved – we now offer Senior Executive Recruitment Services for our key SME clients. Our Recruitment Partners and extensive freelancer network provides a rich source of talent, for our client’s senior recruitment needs.

From A Network to a Community – Gurukul : We are transforming the Network to a Community. A community that engages, believes and drives change, through livewire conversations, expert panel discussions and real-time networking.

We thank each one our clients, expert consultants for partnering with us on this journey and wish you a wonderful 2021 !
Team IndusGuru
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